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This article describes how to integrate Xenomai debian package build steps in a bash script. It is just an automatisation/scripting work. All commands are derivated from excellent Xenomai tutorials. I really recommend reading this tutorials to understand how Xenomai/Adeos work.

You can find script usage in the first chapter. The second chapter contains a sub-chapter by script function to give a more intrusive description of the script. Enjoy. ;)

Hardware used :
Downloads :


$ sudo apt-get install devscripts debhelper dh-kpatches findutils qemu-kvm-extras-static


Running build_xeno_kernel.sh without any option, will retrieve the last stable Xenomai version, the last stable Adeos patch and the kernel corresponding to this patch. As there is no kernel configuration file specified in options, the kernel configuration menu will be displayed.


If you launch twice the script, it will ask before erasing the existing kernel folder.

Adding ”-c <kernel_config_file>” will do the same steps than previous but it will not display kernel configuration menu. If the kernel configuration file provided is for an older kernel version, some questions could be asked due to new options not present in previous kernel :

./build_xeno_kernel.sh -c config-

You can also force the kernel version with option ”-k <kernel_version>”. The corresponding Adeos patch will then be downloaded :

./build_xeno_kernel.sh -k

And you can also mix options like apply a kernel configuration file to a choosen kernel :

./build_xeno_kernel.sh -k -c config-

If you are running a 64 bit system, use ”-a” option to specify architecture :

./build_xeno_kernel.sh -k -c config- -a i386

You can use the development version of Xenomai, directly cloned from Xenomai git repository, with option ”-d” :

./build_xeno_kernel.sh -d

Here is the usage for less important options :

$ ./build_xeno_kernel.sh -h
This script build xenomai packages for debian/ubuntu distros.
./build_xeno_kernel [-a <arch>] [-h] [-c <kernel_config_file>] [-d] [-k <kernel_version>]
        -a <arch>               Wanted architecture
        -h                      Display this help message
        -c <kernel_config_file> Use this kernel configuration file to apply
        -d                      Download development version of Xenomai
        -k <kernel_version>     Use this kernel version

Script functions

Each sub chapter describes important functions from the script. For each function, you will find its source code and new files created.
For new files created, consider we run the script with a valid configuration file for kernel The command line is :

$ ./build_xeno_kernel.sh -k -c config-

The filesystem tree at the beginning just contains the script itself and the kernel configuration file :

|-- build_xeno_kernel.sh
`-- config-
0 directories, 2 files

Get Xenomai

The start point is to get Xenomai. I decided to download the last stable release by default. But if the flag dev_version is set then the script download the development version from git. Choosing the stable version is in TODOs for now.

Two important variables are set here and will be used further :

  • xenomai_version which is just the Xenomai version as its name implies. It will be used for debian package versioning.
  • xenomai_directory which contains the xenomai sources path.

A the end of this function, xenomai sources are ready to be used.

        if [ "1" = "${dev_version}" ]; then
                git clone http://git.xenomai.org/xenomai-head.git
                wget -q -nd -c -r -np -nc -A "LATEST-IS-v*.tar.bz2" http://download.gna.org/xenomai/stable/
                # Untar xenomai
                xenomai_file=$(ls LATEST-IS-v*.tar.bz2 | sort | tail -1)
                xenomai_version=$(echo ${xenomai_file:11} | sed s/.tar.bz2//)
                tar xjpf LATEST-IS-v${xenomai_version}.tar.bz2

Resulting filesystem :

|-- build_xeno_kernel.sh
|-- config-
|-- LATEST-IS-v2.5.6.tar.bz2
`-- xenomai-2.5.6
136 directories, 2074 files

Get Adeos patch

If you do not know what is Adeos for, read this. If you do not see how it deals with Xenomai, read this one.

As the kernel version can be specified on script command line, there are two possibilities :

  • The kernel version is specified in kernel_version variable. Then the script is looking for the last stable adeos patch that suits to this kernel and download it. If there is several patch available for a same kernel, it downloads the most recent.
  • The kernel version is not specified then kernel_version variable is empty. The script downloads the last available Adeos patch. From the patch name, it determines the needed kernel and downloads it. The kernel version is set in kernel_version variable.

At the end of this function, Adeos patch is downloaded and kernel version is known through kernel_version variable.

        if [ "" != "${kernel_version}" ]; then
                wget -nv -nd -c -r -np -nc -A "adeos-ipipe-${kernel_version}-${arch}-*.patch" http://download.gna.org/adeos/patches/v2.6/${arch}/
                mv adeos-ipipe-*-${arch}-*.patch ${xenomai_directory}/ksrc/arch/${arch}/patches/
                adeos_patch=$(ls -1 xenomai-${xenomai_directory}/ksrc/arch/${arch}/patches/ | grep "adeos-ipipe-${kernel_version}-${arch}-.*\.patch" | sort | tail -1)
                wget -nv -nd -c -r -np -nc -A "adeos-ipipe-*-${arch}-*.patch" http://download.gna.org/adeos/patches/v2.6/${arch}/
                mv adeos-ipipe-*-${arch}-*.patch ${xenomai_directory}/ksrc/arch/${arch}/patches/
                adeos_patch=$(ls -1 ${xenomai_directory}/ksrc/arch/${arch}/patches/ | grep "adeos-ipipe-.*-${arch}-.*\.patch" | sort | tail -1)
                # Extract kernel version from patch file name if not specified
                kernel_version=$(echo ${adeos_patch} | cut -d'-' -f3)

Resulting filesystem :

|-- build_xeno_kernel.sh
|-- config-
|-- LATEST-IS-v2.5.6.tar.bz2
|-- tree.txt
`-- xenomai-2.5.6
    |-- ksrc
    |   |-- arch
    |   |   `-- x86
    |   |       |-- patches
    |   |       |   |-- adeos-ipipe-
    |   |       |   |-- adeos-ipipe-
136 directories, 2076 files

Get Linux kernel

It is the simpliest function from the script. With the variable kernel_version from the previous function get_adeos_patch, the script downloads the kernel from the official kernel repository.

        wget -c -nc $kernel_url

Resulting filesystem :

|-- build_xeno_kernel.sh
|-- config-
|-- LATEST-IS-v2.5.6.tar.bz2
|-- linux-
|-- tree.txt
`-- xenomai-2.5.6
    |-- ksrc
    |   |-- arch
    |   |   `-- x86
    |   |       |-- patches
    |   |       |   |-- adeos-ipipe-
    |   |       |   |-- adeos-ipipe-
136 directories, 2077 files

Build the Kernel

This function has 4 steps :

  • Untar the kernel archive the script has downloaded in get_kernel function.
  • Patch the kernel with the Xenomai script using the Adeos patch we download with get_adeos_patch function.
  • Configure the kernel. Here three cases are possible :
    • A kernel config file is specified and suits to the downloaded kernel version. The kernel config file is copied into the linux kernel source directory and the kernel is ready to be built.
    • A kernel config file is specified but its version is older than the downloaded kernel version. Some questions could be asked since it is an old configuration and some parameters could be missing.
    • No configuration file is specified then it just launch the kernel configuration menu to create one.
  • Once the kernel is configured, the build is launched.

Build is done with debian tools so it will result in a set of debian kernel packages.

        # Untar the kernel
        if [[ -d linux-${kernel_version} ]]; then
                echo "linux-${kernel_version} directory already exists, delete it."
                rm -Rf linux-${kernel_version}
        tar -xjpf linux-${kernel_version}.tar.bz2
        # Patch the kernel
        (cd ${xenomai_directory} && scripts/prepare-kernel.sh --linux=../linux-${kernel_version}/ --adeos=ksrc/arch/${arch}/patches/${adeos_patch} --arch=${target})
        # Configure kernel
        if [ "" != "${config_file}" ]; then
                cp -v ${config_file} linux-${kernel_version}/.config
                (cd linux-${kernel_version} && make silentoldconfig)
                (cd linux-${kernel_version} && make menuconfig)
        # Build
        (cd linux-${kernel_version} && fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --uc --us kernel_image kernel_headers)

Resulting filesystem :

|-- build_xeno_kernel.sh
|-- config-
|-- LATEST-IS-v2.5.6.tar.bz2
|-- linux-
|-- linux-
|-- linux-headers-
|-- linux-image-
|-- tree.txt
`-- xenomai-2.5.6
    |-- ksrc
    |   |-- arch
    |   |   `-- x86
    |   |       |-- patches
    |   |       |   |-- adeos-ipipe-
    |   |       |   |-- adeos-ipipe-
4765 directories, 46682 files

Build Xenomai package

After preparing the package build by specifiying Xenomai versions, we launch the build with debian command debuild. It will build and package Xenomai libraries, kernel patches and more.

        (cd ${xenomai_directory} && debchange -v ${xenomai_version} Release ${xenomai_version})
        (cd ${xenomai_directory} && debuild -uc -us)

Resulting filesystem :

|-- build_xeno_kernel.sh
|-- config-
|-- LATEST-IS-v2.5.6.tar.bz2
|-- libxenomai1_2.5.6_i386.deb
|-- libxenomai-dev_2.5.6_i386.deb
|-- linux-
|-- linux-
|-- linux-headers-
|-- linux-image-
|-- linux-patch-xenomai_2.5.6_all.deb
|-- tree.txt
`-- xenomai-2.5.6
    |-- ksrc
    |   |-- arch
    |   |   `-- x86
    |   |       |-- patches
    |   |       |   |-- adeos-ipipe-
    |   |       |   |-- adeos-ipipe-
|-- xenomai_2.5.6.dsc
|-- xenomai_2.5.6_i386.build
|-- xenomai_2.5.6_i386.changes
|-- xenomai_2.5.6.tar.gz
|-- xenomai-doc_2.5.6_all.deb
`-- xenomai-runtime_2.5.6_i386.deb
5035 directories, 50457 files
robotics/computing/script_pour_packager_xenomai_sur_ubuntu_debian_kernel_libraries.txt · Dernière modification: 2012/09/20 10:52 (modification externe)